Product Design

Staff list

Mr E Chinyangarara - Teacher of Technology

Mr A Bali - Teacher ofd Technology
Mr B Desmond - Technician – Technology



In Key Stage 3 (KS3) Design and Technology program, we embark on an exciting journey to ignite creativity, foster problem-solving skills, and cultivate a deep understanding of the world of design and technology. Our curriculum is designed to align with the National Curriculum, providing a structured framework that ensures students receive a comprehensive education in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

At Cox Green School, we believe in empowering our students with both practical and theoretical knowledge. Our approach to Design and Technology encourages students to explore, design, create, and evaluate their projects, thereby building a strong foundation for future endeavours. We understand that hands-on experiences are essential in this subject, and that's why our curriculum is carefully crafted to strike a balance between theory and practice.

Our dedicated and experienced teachers work closely with students to help them discover their potential and develop their skills. Through a series of engaging projects and activities, students learn to apply their creativity and problem-solving abilities to real-world challenges. We encourage them to think critically, work collaboratively, and take ownership of their learning.

As we guide students through the KS3 Design and Technology curriculum, they will have the opportunity to work with a variety of materials and tools, explore different design processes, and gain a deeper appreciation for the impact of design and technology on our daily lives. We aim to inspire our students to become innovative thinkers, capable of making informed decisions in a rapidly changing world.

We look forward to guiding your child through this exciting educational journey, fostering their passion for design and technology, and equipping them with the skills they need to excel in the future. Together, we will unlock their potential and prepare them for a world filled with endless opportunities in the field of design and technology.

In Key Stage 4 Design and Technology (DT) GCSE program, we embark on an exciting journey to explore the intricacies of design, innovation, and craftsmanship. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to align with the national standards, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education that equips them with both practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of design and technology.

The National Curriculum for Design and Technology at Key Stage 4 provides a robust framework that fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of the design process. At Cox Green School, we take this framework as the foundation upon which we build a dynamic and engaging program that allows students to flourish and develop their passion for designing and making.

In our DT GCSE program, students will have the opportunity to explore various materials, technologies, and design disciplines, from product design and graphics to textiles and electronics. They will be encouraged to think critically, communicate their ideas effectively, and develop a keen eye for detail. Throughout the course, students will be challenged to tackle real-world design problems, fostering innovation and resilience as they work towards creative solutions.


We aim to provide our students with an interdisciplinary, maker centred curriculum that fosters practices of innovation, invention, collaboration and critical thinking. We aim to inspire our students to shift from a consumer to producer mentality and become young inventors and entrepreneurs. We provide our students with the opportunity to use specialist equipment and machinery to invent and develop project outcomes in a variety of material and subject areas.


The Technology key stage 3 Interdisciplinary program is split into three phases.

1.            Year 7- Phase One: Skills Rotation.

2.            Year 8- Phase Two: Blended Learning.

3.            Year 9- Phase Three: Target Teaching and independent enquiry.

Phase One- Year 7- Skills Rotation

Phase one aims to develop key skills across all Technology subjects. To equip the students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to be able to plan, design and create a project independently using the materials of their choice in phase two and beyond. The skills rotation aims to engage the students through a variety of hands on maker centred lessons that introduce a wide variety of progressive skills that can be applied into the context of their choice during Phase Two and beyond.

The skills are progressive to ensure appropriate levels of challenge. Learning objectives and differentiated tasks are provided to support the pitch of lessons and expectations in each of the subject areas. These Include:

  • Product Design
  • Enterprise
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Phase Two- Year 8- Blended Learning

Phase two aims to help the students develop an understanding of how to reformulate problems given to them. The students will be given a design brief for a real world issue that needs to be solved. They must create a design brief and specification for an outcome that promotes a sustainable world. The outcome must aim to fill the gap they have identified and the design problem.

The students will research existing products on the market and identify their target customer. They will have the opportunity to design, develop, prototype and make their product applying the skills they developed in phase one. The students must use digital learning and computer programming to design and create programs that accomplish their goals. Using a variety of software, they must collect and present their data, analysing and evaluating their data throughout.

They will develop approaches to raising funds for their projects themselves, research, design, prototype, develop and manufacture their product. They will advertise and pitch their final outcome to a board of industry specialists. The students will document their learning in their autonomous learner profiles to monitor their own progress and document their learning.

Phase Three- Year 9- Target teaching and independent enquiry.

Phase three aims to allow the students to apply the knowledge, understanding and skills developed to engage in an iterative design process of exploring, creating and evaluating. Where the students will identify and solve their own design problem in the material discipline of their choice. The students will have the opportunity to select the material discipline they wish to work in on a fortnightly basis. Providing each individual with bespoke learning opportunities and allowing the students to tailor lessons to their individual needs.

The emphasis on student led learning for the majority will allow for staff to offer support in the form of target teaching for individual students as necessary. The students will research, design, prototype, develop and manufacture their product. They will advertise and pitch their final outcome to a board in the style of Dragons Den. The students will document their learning in their autonomous learner profiles to monitor their own progress and document their learning. Learning will be documented in the GCSE NEA format.



The curriculum provides the students with the opportunity to learn and develop a broad range of knowledge, skills, and understanding, and prompts engagement in a wide variety of activities. Through evaluation of past and present Design and Technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

Design - They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering. The curriculum enables the students to use research and exploration, to identify and understand user needs. They develop specifications to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that respond to needs in a variety of situations. Use a variety of approaches to generate creative ideas. They develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, detailed plans, 3-D and mathematical modelling.

Make - The students are provided with the opportunity to select from and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely. They can select from and use a wider, more complex range of materials, components and ingredients, taking into account their properties.

Evaluate - The students analyse the work of past and present professionals and others to develop and broaden their understanding. Test, evaluate and refine their ideas and products against a specification, taking into account the views of intended users.

Technical Knowledge - The students explore properties of materials and the performance of structural elements to achieve functioning solutions. The develop and understanding of how more advanced mechanical systems used in their products enable changes in movement and force.

Food Technology

Staff list

Mrs K Williams - Teacher of Food Technology

Mrs N Paraskevopoulos - Technician – Food Technology


Food Technology at Cox Green School is an inspiring, dynamic and practical area of learning which enables students to be creative, explore -collaboratively and innovatively, the role that food and nutrition play in our lives. Thanks to our curriculum, students of all backgrounds, cultures and abilities can enjoy finding out and practising weighing and measuring, knife skills, cooking methods, taste new ingredients and make better and healthier choices in the future. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.


Curriculum Intent

  • To create a motivating and safe working environment for students to reach their potential.
  • To teach pupils skills they can use in a kitchen environment at home and in the future.
  • For students to make a positive contribution by helping in the preparation of food for lunch, snacks and a variety of events in school life.
  • To ensure high standard of personal hygiene throughout every practical lesson.
  • To ensure students are made aware of the healthy eating guidelines and how that affects our lives. 
  • To educate all students about different diets, food safety and impact on environment.
  • To support and feedback orally to students during practical lessons to develop their awareness and independence skills.
  • To ensure students produce a high -quality product through observation, practical and evaluation (tasting).
  • To use the correct terminology for the equipment and demonstrate the safe use of them.
  • To ensure the food lessons are interactive, creative and fulfilling.
  • To promote and extend all cross curricular skills.
  • Understand and apply the preparation and nutrition of food to their lifestyles.

Our Food Technology lessons are inspiring, dynamic and practical. They enable students to be creative, explore -collaboratively and innovatively, the role that food and nutrition play in our lives. Thanks to our curriculum, students of all backgrounds, cultures and abilities can enjoy finding out and practising weighing and measuring, knife skills, cooking methods, taste new ingredients and make better and healthier choices in the future. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.


The main aims are for students to learn how to become independent in preparing, making and presenting food, which is safe to eat, focussing upon key practical skills, using basic tools, equipment and processes. In KS3 students have 12 hrs of food technology over 6 weeks. This is taught on rotation basis with other subjects. Pupils are taught the importance of healthy eating and the principles of nutrition.  Making a range of predominately savoury dishes, pupils are encouraged to explore flavours and textures whilst learning a variety of cooking techniques.

Pupils in Key stage 4 are able to continue the subject through their option choice. They study Hospitality and Catering   3 lessons a week, when they have the opportunity to gain knowledge about Hospitality sector as well as participate in demo and practical classes.  In Food Technology in Year 8 our students  apply their knowledge of how commodities are used in world cuisines, how to prepare nutritious, healthy and well balanced meals. The students take part in demo lessons and record their ideas (how to adapt the teacher’s recipe to their own needs) and plan their meal. They then prepare and cook the meals as well as evaluate their dish. During practical lessons various skills are assessed, such as: health and safety, hygiene, knife skills and more. In Food Technology Year 9 students learn more about all groups of nutrients and plan how to incorporate them in tasty and healthy dishes, that can be adapted according to various lifestyle and religious diets. As in Year 8, students are assessed on their practical skills as well as the theory they have learnt. They are expected to be  independent in planning their final dishes, with a big focus on presentation skills.



Both KS3 and KS4 students will be able to apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook a repertoire of sweet and savoury dishes. They will be able to plan, cook and evaluate their dishes and reflect on their work as well as their peers. KS4 students will take WJEC Hospitality and Catering Level 1/2 exam at the end of Year 11.


Equal opportunities and inclusion

All pupils, regardless of their ethnicity, religious beliefs or social economic situation will be able to access our lessons. Cooking and Nutrition - The students understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health. They cook a repertoire of predominantly savoury dishes so that they are able to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet. They become competent in a range of cooking techniques [for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in different ways; using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes] They develop an understanding of the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients. They will use specially designed booklets to help them record, plan and reflect on their learning progress and evaluate dishes they have made.

Science Curriculum Plan

Year 7


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Induction, DNA Detectives

Acids and Alkalis, Cells

Electricity, Particle Theory

The Universe, Body Systems

The Earth, Contact Force and Motion, Ecology

Inheritance and Evolution

Knowledge & Skills

·         Variables, Risk assessment, Basic practical skills, Building electrical circuits,

·         Using mathematical equations to calculate variables, Independent research,

·         Presentation, Speaking and listening, Scientific drawings, Drawing graphs, Interpreting graphs, Data analysis,

·         Scientific explanations, Group work, Practical design, Evidence based evaluations


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK.


Year 8


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Photosynthesis, Sound

Reproduction, Light

The Periodic Table, Disease and Immunity

Chemical Reactions, The Earth

Energy, Diet and Digestion

Motion and Pressure

Knowledge & Skills

·         Creative writing skills, Graph drawing skills.

·         Data analysis, Scientific writing skills (writing to inform, application, practical methods), Chemical equations, Writing word equations.

·         Writing symbol equations, Balancing symbol equations, Practical data analysis, Interpreting graphs to calculate variables, Using mathematical equations to calculate variables.


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK.


Year 9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Energy resources, Adaptations, interdependence and competition, Organising ecosystems

The Earths resources, The Earths atmosphere, Biodiversity and ecosystems 

Energy transfer and cell structure 

Cell transport and atomic structure 

 The Periodic Table

Particle Model of Matter 

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Year 10

Combined Science Biology


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Organisation and the digestive system,

 Organising animals and plants

Communicable disease, preventing and treating disease 

 Non-communicable disease

Human nervous system 

Hormonal communication 

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Combined Science Chemistry


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Structure and bonding

Chemical changes and electrolysis 

Energy changes 

Chemical calculations 

 Rates and equilibrium

Crude oil and fuels 

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions     


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Combined Science Physics


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Atomic structure

Wave anatomy and EM waves

Energy conservation and dissipation

Electrical circuits and electricity in the home

Forces in balance

Forces in balance

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions  


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Year 11

Separate Science Biology


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Reproduction, variation and evolution

Genetics and evolution

 Biology only content

Biology only content 



Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions   


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Separate Science Chemistry


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Crude oil and fuels

Chemical analysis 

Qualitative analysis 

Chemistry only 



Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Separate Science Physics


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Motion, forces and motion

Waves and electromagnetism 

Light and space 

Forces and pressure, Physics only content 



Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Combined Science Biology


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Reproduction, variation and evolution

Variation and evolution, genetics and evolution 

Genetics and evolution 




Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions  


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Combined Science Chemistry


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Crude oil and fuels

 Chemical analysis

Qualitative analysis 




Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions    


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Combined Science Physics


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Motion, forces and motion

EM waves





Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions   


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Year 12



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Basic components of living systems, biological molecules, plasma membranes and enzymes

Cell division, transport in plants 

Exchange surfaces and breathing, classification and evolution 

Transport in animals, communicable diseases 

Biodiversity and ecosystems 

Plant hormones, populations and sustainability 

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions  

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Atoms, ions and compounds, amount of substance, acids and redox, electrons and bonding, shapes of molecules

Basic concepts of organic chemistry, periodicity, reactivity trends, alkanes and alkenes 

Enthalpy, reaction rates, alcohols and haloalkanes 

Reaction rates, organic synthesis 



Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Quantum Physics, charge and current

Energy, power and resistance 

Electric circuits, waves 1

Waves 1 

Waves 2, Thermal physics 

Ideal gases 

Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions  

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK


Year 13



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Respiration and neuronal communication

Homeostasis and hormonal communication 

Hormonal communication, genetics of living organisms and patterns of inheritance 

Manipulating genomes, cloning and biotechnology 

Cloning and biotechnology, revision 


Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Buffer solutions and neutralisation, enthalpy and entropy, redox and electrode potentials

Transition elements, aromatic compounds, carbonyl and carboxylic acids 

Amines, amino acids and polymers, organic synthesis 

 Spectroscopy, revision



Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions    

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

 Ideal gases, circular motion

Oscillations, Gravitational fields 

Stars and cosmology 




Knowledge & Skills

Development of scientific thinking, experimental skills/strategies, data analysis and evaluation

Maths skills linked to basic calculations and graph drawing

Scientific literacy enhanced through introduction of scientific vocabulary, terminology and definitions

Application of knowledge to novel situations and problem solving


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK

Science Department Achievements

This section is currently being updated. If you have any questions please contact the department via the reception by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone 01628 629 415.

Religious Studies Curriculum Plan

Year 7 


Y7 Autumn 1

Y7 Autumn 2

Y7 Spring 1

Y7 Spring 2

Y7 Summer 1

Y7 Summer 2

Topic title

What is a World View?

What does it mean to be a Jew?

What is the impact of the Bible on today?

What does it mean to be a Sikh?

What is a pilgrimage?

Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge and understanding of key Jewish, Christian and Sikh beliefs.

Knowledge and understanding of aspects of belonging and behaving within different world views

Knowledge and understanding of what the meaning and impact of a world view 

Developing skills of reflection, explanation, analysis, expressing a view with evidence, listening, empathy, literacy skills, self and peer assessment, research. 


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK. It will be an Online Form.


Year 8


Y8 Autumn 1

Y8 Autumn 2

Y8 Spring 1

Y8 Spring 2

Y8 Summer 1

Y8 Summer 2

Topic title

What are the dimensions of Buddhism and Hinduism?

What does it mean to be a Christian today?

What does it mean to be a Muslim?

Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge and understanding of key Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Muslim beliefs.

Knowledge and understanding of issues around suffering. 

Knowledge and understanding of ideas around behaving and belonging in Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. 

Developing skills of reflection, explanation, analysis, expressing a view with evidence, listening, empathy, literacy skills, self and peer assessment, research.


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK. It will be an Online Form.


Year 9


Y9 Autumn 1

Y9 Autumn 2

Y9 Spring 1

Y9 Spring 2

Y9 Summer 1

Y9 Summer 2

Topic title

What does it mean to be an Atheist?

What is justice?

Is there justice in the afterlife?

How do you cope with suffering?

What are the clashes between World Views?

Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge and understanding of key atheist views including Humanism and Utilitarianism. 

Knowledge and understanding of key philosophical and ethical issues including those on suffering, the afterlife, medical ethics, Creation and living in a multi-faith society. 

Developing skills of reflection, explanation, analysis, critical evaluation, expressing a view with evidence, listening, empathy, literacy skills, self and peer assessment, research.


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK. It will be an Online Form.


Year 10 – GCSE Religious Studies


Y10 Autumn 1

Y10 Autumn 2

Y10 Spring 1

Y10 Spring 2

Y10 Summer 1

Y10 Summer 2

Topic title

Christian Beliefs

Peace and Conflict (Ethics)

Christian Practices

Crime and Punishment (Ethics)

Islam Beliefs

Islam Practices

Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge and understanding of key Christian beliefs and practices and views on peace and conflict and crime and punishment.

Knowledge and understanding of Muslim beliefs and practices. 

Developing skills of reflection, explanation, analysis, critical evaluation, expressing a view with evidence, listening, empathy, literacy skills, self and peer assessment, research.


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK. It will be an Online Form or a GCSE practice question. 


Year 11– GCSE Religious Studies


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Topic title

Families and Relationships (Philosophy and Ethics)

Religion and Life (Philosophy and Ethics)

Revision and content

Revision of exam skills


Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge and understanding of key Christian beliefs on Philosophical and Ethical issues including Creation, Medical Ethics, the nature of family and issues around sexual relationships.

Developing skills of reflection, explanation, analysis, critical evaluation, expressing a view with evidence, listening, empathy, literacy skills, self and peer assessment, research.


Information relating to all homework can be found on EDULINK. It will be an Online Form or a GCSE practice Question.