Department - Personal Development


The vision for Personal development at Cox green is for students to be kind, determined and respectful to all so that they are well-rounded human beings, equipped with life-long skills enabling them to be successful in the world outside of education. We want them to be able to ride the ups and downs of life with kindness, respect and determination. 


The intent is that students develop the knowledge and the skills to succeed in and beyond their academic studies in their relationships, their health and their place in society. The intent is to prepare our students for the world in reality and online by providing all students with opportunities to develop their own individual skills and talents and be positive members of our school community. 


The implementation is everyone’s responsibility. PD is developed in academic lessons as well as beyond. Students have specific PD sessions as well as assemblies, the tutor program and enrichment activities. We use projects where appropriate to develop students soft skills as well as gaining the substantive knowledge they need on issues beyond the classroom so that they are prepared for the world beyond school. Outside speakers are used where possible and appropriate. There is a planned programme which also has the flexibility to adapt to the needs of a cohort. We use student feedback surveys as well as information from the local and national needs to help inform our planning and implementation of PD. We have an in school Careers Guidance Officer and use of Unifrog to help ensure 1:1 and broader advice and sessions on all routes post-16 and post-18 that are now available to students. Students are provided with meaningful leadership opportunities through the JSL, Prefect and House systems as well as wider diversity groups and enrichment opportunities.


Impact is seen by students engaging and participating with the school values in PD sessions and more widely such as being prefects, through our Values Cards and participating in the wide range on enrichment opportunities available to them. This can be seen in their behaviour and self-reflection reports as well as the half termly student feedback surveys, regular student voice surveys and engagement in wider enrichment opportunities. Students take meaningful leadership positions within the student body and are able to lead by example Impact is seen by students using their skills and knowledge to keep themselves and others safe, healthy and active citizens in the school and wider community. The impact is also seen through successful benchmarking of the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers and our students going onto meaningful futures post-16 and post-18. Impact is seen by students being confident and able to make good decisions in school, in the real world and online. 

  Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11
Autumn 1

Wider World:

How Do We See British Values in Cox Green?

Wider World: What do we value in our MP? Wider World: What do I value in the world? Wider World: What do we value in our future lives? RSE: What are my values in relationships?
Autumn 2 RSE: How Can I build Healthy Relationships? RSE: What do we value in long term relationships? RSE: What do I value in families? RSE: What are our expectations in relationships? Wider World: What do I value in my future?
Spring 1 Health & Wellbeing: How can I keep myself healthy? Health & Wellbeing: How can I have good wellbeing? Careers: What do I value in my future? Health & Wellbeing: How can I manage different relationships? Health & Wellbeing: How do I manage stress and anxiety?
Spring 2 Wider World: How does British Fashion reflect British values? Wider World? How can I show kindness to others? Health & Wellbeing: How can I manage risks? Careers: What do I value in my future? Wider World: What opportunities do I have in my future?
Summer 1 RSE: What is appropriate language and behaviour? RSE: What is appropriate language & behaviour developed. RSE: How can I communicate well in relationships? RSE: How can I communicate well in relationships developed? Revision
Summer 2 Careers: What do I value in my future? Careers: What do I value in my future? Health & Wellbeing: How can I stay well over the summer? Health & Wellbeing: How can I stay well over the summer?  


The Sixth Form follow their own PD program which includes issues around personal safety, mental and physical wellbeing, next steps for life after school and academic support.

The program occasionally gets amended to support the needs of the year group. Supporting material is always signposted to students. Below are some resources you may find useful to help your child with PD. For more specific information please contact your childs tutor. 

To find support with PD:

Tutor/HoY/SAFE/                                                                                      Resources from the emergency services                                                                         

PHSE Association                                                                          BBC, Tedtalks and others.