Post-Results Services
We hope that all students achieve the results they have worked so hard for. If you are not happy with you results please look at the options available to you. Payment for these services will be communicated to parents on an individual basis.
Review of Marking
A review of marking may be requested by students at their own expense. Please use the request for post-results services form. Students and parents are reminded that a remark can result in their marks and/or grade being lowered. Candidates should seek the advice of their subject teacher(s), Subject Leader or the Exams Team before making a request.
Recall of Exam Scripts
Scripts (papers) may be requested by students to inform/support an appeal about a result, at their own expense. Candidates will need to give their consent by completing the post-results services form. Teachers may ask for permission to use a copy for teaching and learning purposes, this will need written consent from the student, but the relevant Department(s) will meet an associated costs.
Exam Certificates
Certificates are important legal documents which are required for CVs, job applications and to verify the Statement of Results which was issued on results day. Please ensure that they are kept securely as the school does not keep a copy, and if you lose or never collect them you will need to liaise directly with the relevant examination board(s) and pay for Certified Statements of Results.
Certificates can be collected in person by the student from the January following the summer exams (i.e. for Summer 2024 certificates will be available from January 2025). Alternatively, you can nominate someone else (e.g. a parent/carer, or sibling still in the school in years 11, 12 or 13) to collect your certificates for you by downloading, printing off, completing and signing the Certificate Collection Form. They must then bring the completed form to student reception and will be required to show their photo ID (passport or driving licence) as well as signing a declaration to confirm receipt of your certificates at the time of collection. We also offer a postal delivery using the Royal Mail Special Delivery service which has adequate insurance cover in the event of loss or damage. This can be requested using the Certificate Collection Form- there is a single fixed fee of £7.50 to use this method of delivery and the fee needs to be paid before certificates are posted.
Uncollected certificates will be held in school for at least one year, after which time we reserve the right to destroy them. If you have not collected certificates that are more than a year old, please contact the Exams Team (
Important information from the Joint Council for Qualifications
It is important that you understand the regulations surrounding controlled assessments for the preparation of your work, to know what is considered to be plagiarism and the penalties for breaking the regulations. Students are required to have read the JCQ documents as part of their preparation for public examinations and ongoing coursework. These can be found here.