Head of Sixth Form

Welcome to the Cox Green Sixth Form. Thank you for taking the time to explore the wonderful opportunities available at our school for your post-16 study!   j.burrows

I joined the school in 2016 and I have witnessed first-hand the Sixth Form grow from strength to strength. I was therefore delighted to be given the opportunity to lead such a vibrant and flourishing part of the school.

Sixth Form is a special time in your life. During this time, you will forge everlasting relationships, get a fuller appreciation of your skills and passions, and build a foundation for your adult life. All the while, making unforgettable memories along the way.

The Sixth Form team truly stands out for their excellence in providing opportunities for your future. Our enrichment offer for example, is second to none. In this programme you will gain the opportunity to work with local businesses, charities, and schools, develop extra qualifications outside of academic study or contribute to the community beyond the school gates.

Moreover, the advice and guidance in the process for applying to universities, apprenticeships and scholarship programmes is outstanding. The destinations of our alumni are a source of pride as students from Cox Green go on to achieve incredible and diverse offers from far and wide.

For me, a Cox Green School Sixth Former will epitomise the fundamental values of the school: they will be kind, respectful and determined. This will see them tackle their academic challenges head on, contribute to the building of a vibrant and open community, and develop a broad skill set.

I encourage you to take advantage of any opportunity to visit the school and discover the amazing place this truly is, and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Mr Burrows

Head of Sixth Form