Our Policies


 Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  1. Assessment and Feedback Policy
  2. Curriculum Policy
  3. Exams Policy
  4. Teaching & Learning Policy
  5. Literacy Policy


  1. Missing Student and Student Missing From Education Policy
  2. Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy
  3. Safeguarding Policy

Inclusion, Equalities and SEN

  1. Accessibility Plan
  2. Inclusion Policy
  3. Medical Conditions Policy
  4. Whole School Equality Policy
  5. Public Sector Equality Duty Statement
  6. Children Looked After (CLA) Policy


  1. Complaints Policy 
  2. Conduct and Barring Individuals from School Policy

Personal Development, Behaviour and Safety

  1. Anti-Bullying Policy - Students  
  2. Attendance and Punctuality Policy
    a) Attendance - The Government's Position
  3. Behaviour and Suspension Policy
  4. CCTV Policy
  5. Celebrating British Values
  6. Drugs and Alcohol
  7. Home School Agreement
  8. Parent/Carer/Visitor Code of conduct
  9. Relationships, Sex and Health and Education Policy
  10. Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education and Development of All Students and Collective Worship Policy
  11. Student Driving Policy
  12. Student ICT and Mobile Device Use
  13. The Use of Reasonable Force, Restriction and Search Policy
  14. Work Placement
  15. Provider Access Policy
  16. Attendance of Students with Additional Health Needs Policy
  17. Travel Plan 
  18. Young Carers Policy                                                        

Financial and Premises Policies

  1. 16-19 Bursary Fund Policy
  2. Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy
  3. Charging and Remissions Policy
  4. Data Protection Policy
  5. Protection of Biometric Information Policy
  6. Freedom of Information, Environmental Information Regulations and Publication Scheme Policy
  7. Trustees Allowances Policy
  8. Trustee Code of Conduct
  9. Health and Safety Policy
  10. Lettings Policy
  11. Premises Policy
  12. Student Privacy Notice
  13. Staff Privacy Notice
  14. Refund Policy
  15. Risk Management Policy
  16. Smoke-Free Policy
  17. Whistleblowing Policy
  18. Sports Academy Policy
  19. Scheme of Delegation