Name: Helen Hannam
Type of Trustee: Ordinary Trustee
Date first appointed: September 2016
Committees/Special responsibility: Finance and Resources Committee and Audit and Risk Committee. Special Educational Needs Trustee and Looked After Children.
Background (employment, experience etc): I am currently working as a Deputy Headteacher in a local special school. I have 25 years of teaching experience. Over my career I have worked in Hong Kong and developed my educational experience with varying roles including Head of Faculty, Key Stage, Inclusion Manager and Safeguarding Lead.
Why I became a Trustee: Having had the pleasure of working at Cox Green for 3 years, I am passionate about supporting the school in its journey from strength to strength. I loved working at the school and am very proud of what it has accomplished. The school supported me greatly in developing my career and educational experience and a role as a Trustee allows me to continue to work closely with the school.