Question: When registering for my account, I get "Account Not Found" error?
ANSWER: This error means you have mistyped the Account Ref code. This is normally because the last character has been missed off when copying/pasting. The code includes the special character on the end such as ( ! ? #.
Please double check the code is typed in full, including this special character as sent to you.

QUESTION: When trying to login to my iPay account, after first setup, I get “Your account is inactive.” error?
ANSWER: After initial registration, you will receive a verification email which contains a link to click on to activate your account. Please check for this email and verify your email account, before attempting to login again.

QUESTION: I have two or more children, how do I add additional children to my iPay account?
ANSWER: Once logged into iPay, click the Link Account option, and enter the account reference code for your other child(ren).
QUESTION: I do not have the unique account reference code for my child?
ANSWER: If your child is an existing student, this would have been texted to the priority 1 parental contact mobile number we were provided. If your child is joining us, this would have been provided with the admissions information. If you cannot find this message, please call our reception team 01628 629415, who can resend the text message.
QUESTION: Why isn't my postcode being recognised?
Ensure that there is a space between the first three and last three characters, and that all characters are in uppercase.