Health & Social Care Overview

Staff List

Mr A Saunders - Subject Lead Health & Social Care, Teacher of PE
Ms L Anderson - Teacher of PE and Health and Social Care
Ms L Beech - Teacher of PE & Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care at Cox Green School ensures that students develop a passion for learning that inspires them to develop a lifelong appreciation for the importance of healthy development now and in their futures. Students are offered a high-quality curriculum that provides opportunities to develop curiosity through enquiry-based lessons and encourages students to take ownership of their progress through effective assessment and feedback. The use of real-life scenarios and case studies are an integral part of allowing students the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts into real-life contexts. Through these experiences, students develop holistically as individuals, demonstrating qualities including compassion and empathy which prepares them well for life beyond Cox Green School.


  • Health and Social Care at Cox Green School aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to work and study further within this sector. The use of real-life scenarios and case studies are integral for enabling students to apply theoretical concepts into authentic situations. This provides students with a realistic and relevant understanding of the impact they have on the service users and the sector.
  • At Key Stage 4, students will develop an understanding of physical, intellectual, emotional and social development throughout a range of life stages and how life events can impact on these. This allows the students to explore their compassionate side and gain an insight into how the health and social care values are used within the industry and incorporated into individualised care.
  • At Key Stage 5, students will continue to build on these foundations. They will explore patterns of human growth and the environmental, social and economic factors that can impact on this. Throughout this stage, students have opportunities to develop their analytical skills when exploring different theorists and how they have shaped our perspective of human development and identity. Students will also explore current legislations that impact on individuals working in the health and social care industry as well the service users.


  • Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability or additional needs, to flourish and become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be.
  • As per the guidance from the exam board, unit content connections are considered and then taught in an order that best supports the development of student knowledge in preparation for key assessment points.
  • The BTEC Level 2 Tech Award is an effective pathway to prepare students to continue their studies on to BTEC Level 3 National awards. This is a smooth progression where knowledge and understanding continues to grow.


  • We help motivate students to develop a love of learning through quality teaching that is engaging, inquisitive and relates to every day health and social care scenarios.
  • From our lessons, our students learn to take responsibility for their own health and can understand the importance sustaining positive lifelong health and wellbeing.
  • We teach students the difference between Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social health and how life events can consequently impact on a person’s overall wellbeing.
  • Individuals are provided with the tools necessary for them to pursue further education or career opportunities within the health and social care sector.