Health & Social Care Assessment

Year 10 Teach Award

Year 10 Tech Award



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Component 1 – Learning Aim A

·         Life stages and their expected key characteristics in each of the PIES classifications

·         Physical, lifestyle, emotional, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors

Component 2 – Learning Aim A

·         Health care services

·         Social care services

·         Barriers to accessing services including physical, sensory disabilities, social and cultural backgrounds, English as an additional language, geographical, learning disabilities and financial barriers

Assessments used

Assessments used for Component 1 Learning Aim A

Component 1 – Awarded by exam board and assessments used for component 2 Learning Aim A


Year 11 Tech Award

Year 11 Tech Award



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Component 2 – Learning Aim B

·         Skills and attributes in health and social care

·         Values in health and social care

·         The obstacles individuals requiring care may face

·         The benefits to individuals of the skills, attributes and values in health and social care practice

Component 3 – Learning Aim A, B and C

·         Factors affecting health and wellbeing

·         Interpreting health indicators – physiological and lifestyle

·         Person-centred approach to improving health and wellbeing – Person-centred approach, recommendations and actions to improve health and wellbeing and barriers and obstacles to following recommendations

Assessments used

Component 1 – Awarded by exam board and assessments used for component 2 Learning Aim A and B

Component 1 – Awarded by exam board and Component 2 – Awarded by exam board and assessments used for Component 3


Year 12 Extended Certificate

Year 12 Extended Certificate



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Unit 1 – Learning Aim A

A1 Physical development across the life stages

A2 Intellectual development across the life stages

Unit 1 – Learning Aim A, B and C

·         Human growth and development through the life stages

·         Factors affecting human growth and development

·         Effects of ageing

Assessments used

Unit 1 – Learning Aim A and practice assessments used for Unit 14

Unit 1 – Learning Aim A, B and C and the grade awarded for Unit by the exam board


Year 13 Extended Certificate

Year 13 Extended Certificate



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Unit 2 – Learning Aim A and B

·         The roles and responsibilities of people who work in the health and social care sector

·         The roles of organisations in the health and social care sector

Coursework assessment based on Unit 5:

·         A Examine principles, values and skills which underpin meeting the care and support needs of individuals

·         B Examine the ethical issues involved when providing care and support to meet individual needs

·         C Investigate the principles behind enabling individuals with care and support needs to overcome challenges

Assessments used

Unit 2 – Learning Aim A and B and grades awarded for Unit 1 and Unit 14 by the exam board

Grades awarded for Units 1, 2 and 14 by the exam board and evidence of coursework from Unit 5. BTEC calculator combines all 4 unit grades.


Year 12 Diploma

Year 12 Diploma



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Coursework based assessment on Unit 10: Sociological Perspectives

·         A Understand how sociological concepts and perspectives are applied to the study of health and social care

·         B Examine how sociological approaches support understanding of models and concepts of health

Coursework based assessment on Unit 7: Principles of safe practice in Health and Social Care

·         A Examine how a duty of care contributes to safe practice in health and social care settings

·         B Understand how to recognise and respond to concerns about abuse and neglect in health and social care settings

·         C Investigate the influence of health and safety legislation and policies in health and social care settings

·         D Explore procedures and responsibilities to maintain health and safety and respond to accidents and emergencies in health and social care settings.

Assessments used

Evidence from Unit 10 coursework. This also includes assessment from extended certificate units.

Evidence from Unit 7 coursework and grade awarded for Unit 10 by the exam board. This also includes assessment from extended certificate units.


Year 13 Diploma

Year 13 Diploma



Assessment period



Topics Covered

Unit 4 – Learning Aim A, B and C

·         Types of issues where research is carried out in the health and social care sector

·         Research methods in health and social care

·         Carrying out and reviewing relevant secondary research into a contemporary health and social care issue

Coursework assessment based on Unit 8:

·         A Examine strategies for developing public health policy to improve the health of individuals and the population

·         B Examine the factors affecting health and the impact of addressing these factors to improve public health

·         C Investigate how health is promoted to improve the health of the population

Assessments used

Unit 4 assessments and grades awarded for Unit 10 and Unit 7 by the exam board. This also includes assessment from extended certificate units.

Evidence from Unit 8 coursework and grades awarded for Units 10, 7 and 4 by the exam board. BTEC calculator combines all 4 unit grades.