Staff list:
- Mrs L Clark
- Mr K Hussian
Sociology students at Cox Green School are engaged, enthused and understand the study of society, people and their behaviour.
In sociology at Cox Green School, the curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Take a critical perspective on society and to develop marketable skills to develop their job opportunities.
- Are encouraged to think about the world outside of their textbook and about how key variables including class, gender and ethnicity and often shape a individual’s opportunities and what we can do to ameliorate the effects of this injustice
- Can access the course material in a number of ways; through lecture, discussion and discovery learning. Students will sometimes be asked to carry out their own sociological research and report back to the class, topics include crime and self-report studies and unstructured interviews to find out about how people feel about their jobs here at the school.
- Sociology is an intellectually rigorous and challenging subject and students are encouraged to challenge their pre-existing beliefs about the world time and time again. In terms of tasks. All classroom and homework tasks are differentiated in that they support a range of learning styles and abilities to ensure learner engagement. The curriculum is designed that all learners can achieve to the best of their individual ability.
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision, which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be.
We teach the AQA specification, supported by clear skills and knowledge progression. Lessons are sequenced to engage learners and build up confidence in writing a strong Sociological answer.
Students will be assessed regularly both formatively and summatively. Assessment will include in class timed assessments on individual sections of the course and end of topic mock exams. At the end of year 13 students will sit three two hour papers that are externally marked.
Before they leave Cox Green School young sociologists should be able to:
- Develop their thinking skills - analysis, critique and synthesis - along with more tangible skills such as research, presentation, communication and writing skills students of sociology are prepared to undertake further study in sociology or related subjects such as politics, geography, philosophy, economics, criminology and law, if they don’t choose the university route then they should do well in the job market where such skills are required.