Careers Advice

Cox Green is lucky to have a full time Careers Guidance Officer, Mrs Hannah Thompson, in school. This allows for bespoke, individualised careers provision and access from Y7 all the way through until a student is making decisions about their lives after school.

Cox Green Values

  • Be Respectful – Respect for ourselves and those around us
  • Be Kind – Supporting one another and being considerate of others.
  • Be Determined – Showing a willingness to improve and better ourselves.

Cox Green Careers Vision

The Cox Green Careers’ Programme strives to provide students current and relevant market place information, advice and guidance to inspire students to realise their ambitions by making the right informed decisions about their next steps. We provide an environment that is supportive to ensure that our students acquire the life skills and qualifications to become successful, well rounded citizens.

We achieve this by putting our values at the heart of our careers’ provision and provide a bespoke, robust, dynamic and creative programme for every individual. Through utilising current LMI information, Unifrog, a wide range of local, national and international resources and ensuring that careers is explicitly embedded within the whole school curriculum we ensure that students are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to fulfil their full potential.

The intent of the Cox Green Careers’ Programme is to provide students with the following:

  • Current and relevant market place information for academic, vocational courses as well as employment and the world of work;
  • Advice and guidance to inspire students to realise their ambitions;
  • Providing timely and tailored information so that students can take decisions about their next steps;
  • Supporting parents and staff to enable students in their next steps;
  • Working with a wide network to provide access to a range of information and experiences.

Cox Green implements this by having:

  • Our in-school Careers Guidance Officer, Hannah Thompson. This allows support with university applications, personal statements, apprenticeships, writing CV’s and interview skills;
  • One to one careers meetings for every student at least once a year. This increases from Y9 when the Options process happens through to when students leave;
  • A careers presence at school events;

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provisions in secondary schools. Cox Green School is committed to meeting all of the Gatsby Benchmarks and work in collaboration with the Careers Enterprise Company, TVLEP, external providers and our Enterprise Advisor from 3.

Cox Green has impact of the futures of our students through our careers education. We know this by:

  • NEETS review annually;
  • Regular surveys of all those involved in careers;
  • Regular broader student surveys that look at preparation for the wider world and life beyond school;
  • Annual review of the careers programme and wider curriculum for careers content;
  • See Provider Access Policy.

For further information please also refer to our Provider Access Policy under our policies section of the website.  Mrs Thompson can be contacted on email via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone on 01628 629415.

 Please take our Labour Market Information test below.






Unifrog brings all the available information into one comprehensive, user friendly platform that helps students to make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. Unifrog partners with Universities and Employers to further support students to be successful. Unifrog also has a range of resources for teachers to use within their curriculum, linking careers to subjects.


 Here at Cox Green we are keen to get in touch with alumni! Any past students, please head to our LinkedIn page Cox Green Connect and keep in touch.




We would really like to hear from local employers, who would like to get involved with our work experience programme for Year 10 & 12 or another career event such as our Year 11 mock interview day ‘You’re Hired’. If you are an employer, alumni or current parents at Cox Green and would like to get involve in future career events or work experience please contact Mrs H Thompson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Full attendance and good punctuality are key to achievement in school.  We consider them vital to providing equal opportunities for all students, ensuring access to the full curriculum and achieving both academic and social success.  All students should aim for 100% for both attendance and punctuality.

      Attendance and GCSE results
Below compares the attendance in Year 11 and the average number of GCSEs at grades 9 to 5 (A* to C):


Students Should:
• Arrive at school by 8.30 am.
• Any students arriving after this time will have to enter the school via the main reception and sign in with the Attendance Officer.  
• Students arriving late without a good reason and accompanied by a note of explanation from a parent will be issued with a reflection
• Students in Years 7 to 11 are not allowed to leave the school site during break or lunch times.

   Parents/Carers Should Encourage Good Attendance By:
• Talking regularly with your child about school and how they feel about it.
• Not allowing your child to take time off unless it is really necessary.
• Discussing with the school, at the earliest opportunity, any problems or worries that might be affecting your child's attendance.
• Ensuring your child is in school for all exams and exam related components.
• Advising the school of any planned absence in writing at least 15 school days in advance by using the Term Time Absence Request Form.
• Arranging medical appointments for doctors, opticians or dental treatment outside of normal school hours. 
• Do not take holidays during term time (these will not be authorised and may be referred to the Education Welfare Officer to be considered for a Fixed Penalty Notice or other action).

Reporting Student Absence

It is imperative that parents/carers contact the school before 8.00am if their child is unwell and unable to attend school, on each day of absence.  Please either leave a message on the attendance line 01628 629415 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any absences that we have not received a reason for within a reasonable timeframe, will be followed up and the Attendance Officer will proceed to call all contacts that we hold on your child's record. For safeguarding purposes, if we have not managed to make contact then members of staff will visit your home to ensure the welfare of your child.

Medical Appointments

School attendance figures show a continuing increase in the numbers of students missing part of the school day due to medical appointments. 

Whilst some appointments may have to take place during the school day, e.g. specific scheduled hospital appointments, there are other appointments that could take place outside of school hours and at weekends or in school holidays. If it is not possible to arrange such appointments to take place out of school hours, it is expected that students are only out of school for the actual appointment and are therefore able to attend before and/or after in order to allow minimum disruption to their lessons and attendance.

Where appointments are necessary within school hours, please ensure your child’s absence is reported at least 24 hours before to the Attendance Officer e.g. an appointment card/letter or show the text message.

If you are unable to provide these details 24 hours prior to the appointment could you please ensure:

• If your child is arriving late following a medical appointment, a copy of the supporting document is given to the Office or text shown
• If they are leaving school early to attend a medical appointment, similarly a copy of the supporting document is given to the Office.

You can also email the school at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm the details of the medical appointment.

All leave of absence is recorded on your child's school file.

Sports Academy

The Sports Academy programme provides quality training facilities with high class coaching delivered by professional sports people and teams that would otherwise not be accessible to local 16-19-year-old students.

The centre provides an identity which suits many disadvantaged students who want to further their education at Level 3 learning, undertaking a variety of qualifications within an academic environment. Students have the option to follow a mixed programme of traditional A Levels and vocational subjects coupled with the sports academy practical participation opportunities.

Sport Academy

Sports Academy Policy & Rationale

Sixth Form Information 


Making the right choice about where to continue your studies is important. We are delighted that you are considering joining our Sixth Form at Cox Green School and hope that the prospectus will help you to make that decision.

Online prospectus

Printable Prospectus

Our Sixth Form curriculum is designed to ensure excellent exam results. In addition we provide opportunities for every student to gain the experiences and involvement to become confident, happy and well-rounded young adults, with genuine choice in choosing the next step.

Exam Results

Destinations 2022

Whether you are an existing Cox Green student, or are thinking of joining us from elsewhere, please read carefully what we have to offer. The decisions you make now are important - our teachers, tutors and the Sixth Form Leadership team are here to help you make the right ones.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form   Sports Academy

Our thriving, Sixth Form and Sports Academy have established a reputation for excellence and we welcome applications from all students. We offer a challenging, inspiring and unique, and stimulating post-16 experience for all students.