Key Stage 4 Assessment

Target Setting KS4 

Students are given end of KS4 attainment target based on the GCSE 9-1 grading system whether they are in KS3 and KS4. These GCSE targets are based on prior attainment before entry at KS3 (SATs scores and CAT tests). The targets set based on the performance of the top 20% of students nationally to ensure that they are aspirational for all students. 


Assessment KS4 

Grades used in Years 10-11 use the new GCSE system of number grades 9-1. Current grades are awarded according to the combination of the assessment criteria and grade descriptors for a particular task. In some cases, Key Assessment Tasks (KATs) may use may use some rather than all aspects of a grade descriptor task. As an example, a student in Year 10 may achieve a grade 6 in an assessment, which focuses on just one aspect of an assessment objective and later go on to achieve a grade 5 in a future assessment which focuses on a different aspect of the assessment objective or course which they may have found more difficult.  

In order to achieve consistent progression in grades a consistent approach towards both the curriculum and its assessment has been developed. Although subjects differ in the nature of their assessments, in all subjects there is a requirement to acquire skills and content to be learnt and applied.  

Students will be made familiar with the overarching assessment objectives and assessment criteria to achieve target grades within their lessons so that they can take ownership of the specific skill or area of content which they may need to improve on. The curriculum delivery of GCSE and Vocational courses is designed to allow students to mature in their skill acquisition whilst mastering the required content or knowledge. The KATs used in Year 10 and 11 only partially cover the skills and content of the courses, however they are graded using the GCSE criteria so students get a good idea of how well they are doing against the current GCSE standard.  

Student performance in KATS is supplemented with the assessment that teachers consistently apply in lessons to ensure that he grading reported is as accurate as it can be. The following systems are consistently used in all lessons to ensure this level of consistency: 

  • All lessons have differentiated success criteria which makes simple reference to the assessment criteria by which the teacher will judge whether the lesson has been effective 
  • All students will be accustomed to reviewing their work and the work of others and be able to provide relevant feedback on the strengths and areas for improvement. 
  • All teachers model answers of the expected standard 
  • All teachers utilise strategies to ensure they can assess whole class progress rapidly and target support within lesson (e.g. traffic lights, mini-whiteboards, etc.) 


Assessment Points KS4 

Assessment point reports are published two or three times during the course of the academic year depending on the Year group. The timings of these reports and the evidence used to identify the grades for each Year group are detailed in Table 1 below.  

At each assessment point teachers provide both a current and a predicted grade. These are both fine graded to provide further detail on how comfortably they sit at that grade. The current grade is based on the level a student has worked at since the previous assessment point and the predicted grades reflects the grade they are expected to achieve at the end of Year 11. 

Students will also receive an ‘on track indicator’ for each subject with each assessment report. The predicted fine attainment grade is compared to the end of KS4 target grade and if it is below the on-track indicator will be T-, if it is the same it will be T and if it is above it will be T+. This allows both parents and the school to identify very quickly where a student’s areas of weakness are and enables the swift implementation of any necessary intervention.  


Table 1 



Assessment Point 1  Assessment Point 2 Assessment Point 3
 Year 10  Post-Christmas holiday -Based on December assessment week results  July - Based on summer assessment week results  N/A
 Year 11  Autumn half term - based on internal standardised key assessment tasks  Post-Christmas holiday -Based on December assessment week results   March -Based on internal standardised key assessment tasks 



Key Stage 4 Home Learning

We believe that home learning can be a powerful educational tool to help ensure that every student achieves their full potential. Effective home learning is integrated into our curriculum and teaching and we ensure that it is set regularly. To support parents and families to know what home learning is set, the student planner is used. Students have a responsibility of writing down the home learning which has been given to them each day. In addition, Edulink is used to further support pupils and parents in knowing what home learning has been set, what it entails and when it needs to be completed by. 

Home learning tasks will range from 30-60 minutes per task. 

  • English /Maths/ Science will set four home learning tasks per fortnight; 
  • In Art the expectation is that students will need to match the hours in lesson time with home learning time each week.  This equates to three hours per week for home learning.
  • All other subjects will set two home learning tasks per fortnight. 

  Home learning tasks are not set against a whole school timetable 

  • Home learning can be set in any lesson by any teacher, however, work would not expect to be handed in until after the day recorded in student planners.
  • Teachers will use this timetable to plan when home learning is due in but it remains the responsibility of students to ensure that home learning is handed in to the teacher at the correct time.
  • Students should not be asked to complete home learning for the next day, unless they are catching up with work that has not been done previously or they have missed a deadline
  • For longer project work students should organise the completion of the project over a longer period of time, for example two home learning cycles.  Teachers may ask students to share how much has been completed each week and will provide a schedule for what needs to be completed and by when, where this is appropriate.

Key Stage 4 Timetables

At Key Stage 4 all students study the core subjects listed below alongside four non-core option subjects that they select before the end of Year 9. 

Core subjects:  

English, Mathematics, Games, Science 

Option subjects:  

Art, Business Studies, Computer Science, Construction (Level 1), BTEC Information Technology (Level 2), BTEC Business (Level 2), BTEC Health & Social Care (Level 2), BTEC Sport (Level 2), Drama, French, Spanish, Geography, History, Hospitality and Catering (Level 1/Level 2), Media Studies, Music, Graphics, Physical Education (GCSE), Design & Technology, Psychology. 

    Subject / Allocation of lessons per fortnight 

Year 10

Year 11







 Physical Education 






Religious Education (delivered through Personal Development)*

 Option 1 



Option 2 



Option 3 



Option 4



*PSHE is delivered through Personal Development lessons on a fortnightly rotation. 

The groups for Maths and Science are set based on current attainment levels. All other subjects have mixed ability groups. 

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4: Year 10-11 Curriculum 

Before September 2021, students followed a 3-year Key Stage 4 curriculum. From September 2021 students entering Year 10 follow a 2-year Key Stage 4. 

  • In Years 10 - 11 our students continue to enjoy a broad core curriculum.
  • All students study: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science which includes Biology, Physics and Chemistry. (Some students will study these as individual Sciences; the majority will study these in order to achieve the Combined Science GCSE).
  • Before the end of Year 9 students select four non-core subjects.
  • Physical Education is also part of our core curriculum offer with students enjoying a range of exciting opportunities. Students will have the opportunity to tackle complex and demanding physical activities and experience a range of activities that develop personal fitness and promote an active, healthy lifestyle.
  • Students also have the opportunity to engage with our outstanding careers provision and have regular opportunities to meet with our Careers Guidance Officer Mrs Thompson.
  • It is our desire to ensure that every student studies courses which will challenge and enable them to access any desired pathway of learning Post-16, be it traditional A level courses, a combination of A Level and BTEC options, or even a more vocationally orientated course.
  • Every fortnight, Form Tutors deliver a Personal Development lesson to their tutees. During these lessons, as well as through assemblies and Form time, the statutory PSHE, RS and Sex Education programme is delivered.

Wider learning skills underpin the Key Stage 4 curriculum. Students are encouraged to be involved in as many of the following wider learning opportunities: 

  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Leadership Awards
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Student Council

By ensuring the core values of Respect, Kindness, and Determination, are at the centre of everything we do, the ‘Education’ we provide at Cox Green School will help build our students’ competencies, their character and their sense of belonging to the world.  We are fully committed to ensuring that all our students will leave school with the cultural capital they will need to be successful citizens, now and in the future.

Subject Title

Board Name

Art and Design (Art, craft and Design)


Art and Design (Graphics)


Business Studies


Computer Science


Design and Technology


English Language


English Literature






Maths (General)


Media Studies








Science Double Award














Hospitality and Catering


Level 1/2 Tech award in IT


Level 1/2 Tech award in Enterprise


Level 1/2 Tech award in Health and Social Care


Level 1/2 Tech award in Sport



For further information on specific department curriculum, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Special Educational Needs

l.brennan.jpgMrs Lucie Brennan









Mrs Lucie Brennan is our School SENDCo and can be contacted via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on the main school number 01628 629415

Students with additional needs are welcome at Cox Green School.

The school’s arrangements to support students with SEN and disabilities are outlined in our Inclusion Policy.  This can be found under the policies section of the website. Mrs Brennan has regular contact with parents/carers of students on the SEN Register and those who have been identified as needing additional support.  During the review and assessment process of SEN, we work in partnership with students and their families to ensure the most appropriate provision to gain progress.  We ensure these students take full advantage of the school community and this process is fully inclusive.

We also work closely with students who have SEN and/or disability needs when transferring to Cox Green School from Primary and onwards onto further education.

The school works with a number of other agencies to support and deliver effective provision for students with SEN and/or disability.

For the Local Offer and SEN Information Report click here