Year 9 Options Evening

School Values 4

Year 9 Options Evening

Thursday 9th March 2023
5.45pm – 8.00pm

Theatre Presentations
Please join us at one of the Options Process presentations at
5:50pm, 6:30pm and 7:10pm.
The school bell will ring to signal the start of each presentation.

Subject Presentations
Subjects will present at
6:00pm, 6:15pm, 6:30pm, 6:45pm, 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm, and 7:45pm.


Presentations at:

5.50pm - 6.20pm

6.30pm - 7pm

7.10pm - 7.40pm

  The Options Process

  Please join us in the Theatre for one of the three presentations with

  Mr Edwards (Headteacher), Mr Aston (Head of Year 9) and Mr Holman (Assistant Headteacher)


Subject Presentations (see times below).

Parents have the opportunity to attend option subject presentations . Each presentation lasts 10 minutes.

6.00pm - 6.10pm

 Subject Presentation 1

6.15pm - 6.25pm

 Subject Presentation 2

6.30pm - 6.40pm

 Subject Presentation 3

6.45pm - 6.55pm

 Subject Presentation 4

7.00pm - 7.10pm

 Subject Presentation 5

7.15pm - 7.25pm

 Subject Presentation 6

7.30pm - 7.40pm

 Subject Presentation 7

7.45pm - 7.55pm

 Subject Presentation 8



Rooms for Subject Presentations

GCSE & BTEC Subject 



Art, Craft & Design

 Mrs Nilsson / Mrs Linford-Relph


Business Studies and BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Enterprise (Business) 

 Mr Morris 



 Mrs Thompson 

Reception Area

Computer Science and BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Digital               Information Technology 

 Mr Dickins 


Design & Technology 

 Mr Chinyangarara 



 Mr Brignull 


French and Spanish

 Mrs Gullick 



 Mr Burrows 



 Mrs Nilsson/Miss Collier 



 Mrs Clark 


Media Studies 

 Miss Stockwell 



 Miss Killick 


Physical Education and BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Sport 

 Mr Gullick 



 Mrs Olmos 


Religious Studies 

Mrs Kirby  



Mr Haghazali 


Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

 Miss Winchcombe


BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award Health & Social Care 

 Miss Anderson  

Room C3 

BTEC Level Hospitality and Catering 

 Mrs Williams 

Room C6 



Year 9 Options Frequently Asked Questions

Can students select whatever subjects they want to?

Students select 4 subjects and one reserve choice.  We believe this enables them to access all of our broad and balanced curriculum, and will be more likely to succeed when studying subjects they are interested and engaged in.  There are some subjects which have a minimum grade requirement in GCSE Maths  (see below).  Any student not meeting this minimum requirement will not be accepted on to the course and should therefore not select it as one of their options. Certain subjects cannot be chosen together (i.e. BTEC Sport & GCSE PE), due to their similar course profile.  The full course list offered will depend on the final number of students that have chosen these   subjects.  Further information regarding subjects that will not run will be made available after the options window has closed.


Do students need to meet certain requirements to opt for some subjects?

There are no entry requirements to take any of the subjects with the exception of the following subjects:

  • GCSE Statistics - students most recent current grade must be a Grade 5 or above in Maths.
  • GCSE Computer Science - students most recent current grade must be a Grade 5 or above in GCSE Maths.
  • GCSE Music - students must be able to play a musical instrument or sing.
  • GCSE Triple Science - students most recent current grade must be a Grade 6 or above in Science.


What is the difference between GCSEs and Vocational qualifications?

The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and the Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) are both academic qualifications.  The main difference is that BTEC is awarded for vocational subjects and the GCSE is awarded for a large number of other subjects.  Most vocational subjects offer a mix of theoretical and hands-on learning, allowing you to get a good foundation of understanding in the subject while also getting plenty of actual experience.  Vocational courses do not use the same grading system of 9 - 1 like GCSEs.  Instead they use a pass, merit or distinction grading system.  (The exact number of grades differs between qualifications).  The         comparison between these and GCSEs (old and new) are shown in the table opposite.

When is the deadline for options to be selected?

Students should select their option subjects using the link sent to parents after the Options Evening, before the end of Friday 17th March 2023.

Can students change their options after the deadline?

As much as we want students to make the correct choices during the options process we accept that there will be a few who may change their mind once they start their subjects in Year 10. If a student realises soon after starting the course that the subject is not suitable for them they can request to change subject. This will be dependent on the timetable allowing it and class sizes not being at full capacity. Therefore, it is imperative that students make as informed a decision as possible when they select their option choices.

Are students guaranteed to do the subjects they choose?

We will make every effort to accommodate the first choice options of every student, however this is not         something that we can guarantee. Students are asked to select a reserve option if they are unable to do one of their first choice options.

What if my child does not get their first choice and they need a subject for a specific career path?

There will be a section when you submit your form to add any further information that relates to your child’s    career aspirations.  We will then take this into consideration but cannot guarantee all students their first choices.

Old GCSE Grade

(no longer used)

New GCSE Grade

BTEC Grades



Level 2 Distinction* (D*2)




Level 2 Distinction (L2D)



Level 2 Merit (L2M)





Level 2 Pass (L2P)



Level 1 Distinction (L1D)



Level 1 Merit (L1M)



Level 1 Pass (L1P)