Coronavirus information & Home Testing Guidance

Return to school - September 2021

We will be reverting to our standard timetable.

Parents/carers are encouraged to visit What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges.

Our school risk assessment can be found, by clicking here.

For guidance on our remote learning, click here.

Home Testing Guidance

Instructional video: Please view the YouTube video by Dr Amir Khan on how to carry out Home Testing for COVID-19 by clicking here

When to take a test: Tests should be taken when possible on Monday morning and Thursday morning prior to attending school. Test should be taken before eating or drinking. If early morning testing is not suitable, please test the night before.

Reporting home test results: Should you receive a positive home test result, you are required self isolate and to book a confirmatory PCR test by clicking here. Parents please inform the school of any student absence from school, using the schools absence line or via EduLink absence reporting. Staff should phone the cover line as normal.

Incident reporting: If there are any issues with the tests that could potentially impact the quality or safety of testing raise a “yellow card”.

Clinical issue: If there is a clinical incident which led to or has potential for harm, participants are advised to report it on
This is not for seeking immediate medical care. Medical care should be sought through the usual route of contacting 111 or 999

Non-clinical issue: For incidents occurring at home, participants are advised to report any issues (something damaged, or missing or difficult to use in the kit, unable to log result etc.) to 119.

Inform the School: Participants should inform the school on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about ongoing test-related problems, so that they can check if this is a wider issue across other users.

Examples of incidents: Examples of clinical issues are a swab breaking in the mouth, an allergic reaction etc. whereas an example of a non-clinical issue would be missing items from at test kit.

Privacy notice: To view the privacy notice in relation to Covid-19 testing please click here